Friends of ours recently flew over our minesites and sent us these great photos. Here are three great developments in the Cariboo Goldfields. All of them are produced hundreds of ounces of gold for us and thousands of ounces over their lives. Still more to come! Watch out for 2011! The Top photo shows Devlin's Bench, a great producer for 150 years. The highly successful dredge ponds from Kumhilla Dredge company still dominate the view on both sides of the Bowron Road.
35f actually adjoins Devlins in one large package that stretches across and along the original path of Williams Creek. This photo shows our workings in the upper placer canyon, our settling ponds and pay decs, and the virgin pit, with the mine road loop surrounding the future pit development toward the bottom of the picture.
Here's two shots of Grouse Creek. The first shows the orderly layout of the roads, ponds, equipment and drainage, and the lower shot shows the whole site in profile, illustrating the amount of material moved. This entire site was completed from scratch this fall, from land clearing to arriving at our bedrock target!